Slide Blosophy is about developing the best version of yourself...from the inside out.


“I love the beach; it’s where I get my inspiration. When I look at the beauty that God has created, I know I’m here for a greater purpose.”

Blosophy (pronounced “bee-loss-o-fee”) “Rooted in Christ, Growing towards Health”

As a personal trainer and holistic nutritionist, I believe that being active and eating nutritious food are important when it comes to living well. But let’s be honest shall we? If maintaining healthy lifestyle habits was that easy, there wouldn’t be so many people struggling with their weight, health and body image. The truth is, there’s much more to whole health than just diet and exercise. And if you want to be healthy, you’ve got to care for your Body, Mind and Soul in it’s entirety. Blosophy will help you build an authentically healthy life based on the Word of God. It will help you recognize the truth about yourself (identity), your health (how you treat your body and mind), and your relationship with God.

Blosophy stands for a way to live that embodies who you are but more importantly, who God wants you to be.  It’s not about being perfect or never making a mistake. Even in unguarded moments the Holy Spirit is always there for you. It’s about balancing wise choices that honor the Lord time and time again.

The seven principles of Blosophy are aimed at targeting the development of a healthy Body, Mind and Soul. They guide you on a journey in building a firm foundation of health that is rooted in Christ and transform you from the inside out. They will also encourage and motivate you to take action to build healthy lifestyle habits that last. Because guess what? God’s got BIG plans for you and it’s time for you to discover what they are.



Blosophy Be healthy

Your Body is a Temple for the Holy Spirit. Be Healthy addresses the three most common ways we can neglect treating our body as the sacred temple that it is; having too much stress and worry in our lives, not getting enough sleep and rest and having poor nutritional habits. We can learn how to overcome both the physical and spiritual challenges we face when we choose to always put God first. Be nourished by choosing foods and beverages that help the body to thrive energetically. Managing stress means taking your anxieties to God. Allow your body the sleep and rest it needs to feel restored and refreshed.

Blosophy healthy recipes picture
picture of Bianca running
Be active

Be Active because…our body was designed to move! God blessed us with limbs, joints, muscles and bones and if we don’t move them on a regular basis the body will become stiff and muscles will atrophy. Being active really isn’t a choice if you want to live well and here’s the great news! You’ll not only see the physical benefits of exercise, but you’ll feel the mental and spiritual transformation that is accompanied when you’re active. It’s not about going to the gym for 2 hours every day. It’s about finding ways to move the body that balance both capabilities and limitations. Finding activities you enjoy are key to sustaining an active lifestyle, so go for it!

Be Kind is about how you treat yourself and others. While sometimes it may be easier to be kind to family or friends, being kind to ourselves is also important. We can be our own worst critics and our negative thoughts or feelings of failure can bring out an attitude of dissatisfaction with ourselves and our lives. We need to show ourselves the same mercy when we fail that God shows us. Kindness has the ability to build others up and lift their spirits. We demonstrate God’s love and grace when we are kind to others. Being kind to yourself in caring for your Body, Mind and Soul honors God and shows you value His creation.


Being beautiful is about how God defines beauty. The only true way to judge it, is to see it the way God does; He judges beauty from within. Have you ever known someone who perhaps by “worldly standards” isn’t very impressive looking, but has a kind, loving personality? It makes them someone you want to be around; now that’s attractive! It’s not wrong to care about your appearance, just be mindful not to place more value on your weight or dress size than developing a beautiful character that reflects God. And definitely don’t get sucked into feeling unworthy because you don’t look a certain way. Being beautiful is about expanding our definition of what beauty is and how if we let ourselves see others (and ourselves) with love instead of judgement, the boundaries to beauty are endless.

be mindful

Being mindful is about how thoughts have the power to transform us in both our speech and actions. Giving thought to what you say, what you do and how you do it. If you are mindful as to what you eat, you’ll make better choices. If you think before you speak, you can avoid unpleasant situations. If you put thought into how you exercise, you can avoid injury. Being mindful is about consciously making an effort to guard your mind by what you allow into it, not believing every lie you hear, filling it with the Word of God, and learning to have a focused driven mind to emulate Christ.


Believe is about believing in yourself, believing in others and believing in something greater. Believing in yourself is about knowing who you are in Christ and how your self esteem in rooted in God. It is not about self confidence based on Self. It’s about having self confidence based on knowing whose you are. You can absolutely believe in yourself; not because of your strengths and accomplishments, but rather because of Christ, because of who He is, what He did and who He says you are!  To believe in others essentially means to encourage them. And to believe in something greater means to keep persevering with faith and hope.

be inspired by bianca
be inspired

Be inspired is about realizing the mighty power of the Holy Spirit to help you in all that you do according to God’s will. Be Inspired to be a living example of what it means when you put your faith into action. Let the Holy Spirit drive your “getting healthy” intentions and live out your faith in your health and in your life. You never know who you’ll inspire! Glorify God in all that you do; in how you treat your body, in your thoughts, in your actions, in your words and the way you live. Be the Inspiration He wants you to Be.

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